Reality of Surveillance

What its like doing surveillance the Reality of it. Surveillance is nothing like you see it on TV. Sometimes its downright boring. But you do you're job. There is no glamour in it at all. Most of the time your in some residential area and you have people that are curious and I do not blame them. In this day and age I do have the same concerns as them if some person was in my neighborhood for 2-3 days, what is this guy doing? You are trying to keep focused and sometimes you get someone coming up to your car window asking what are you doing? Are you watching me? The reality is that sometimes you have to park in a place you do not want to be, beccause its the only vantage point you have. Your right in the middle of a neighborhood sometimes. 
Than sometimes when your subject gets in a vehicle is when things get tricky also. You are not going through red lights to follow someone, it uncannhy how that seems to work out because you want to give them a little distance.  If you are some Private Investigator and think you are some person better than someone else and do whatever it takes to get your evidence, you are going to learn some hard lessons and may get  yourself in more trouble than you have everf expected.  I will not sacrifice my integrity for any evidence or boost my ego for self promotion on any case. 


Franklin Investigations